Sensory Room

Library Tax District residents may reserve the Sensory Room at the Library per policy: Sensory Room Policy, 3.21.

The Sensory Room is designed for, but not limited to, users who are sensitive to typical sensory input. The space provides an environment that develops the senses, encourages communication and social interactions, relieves stress and anxiety, and produces a feeling of calm and well-being. Individuals of all ages and abilities are welcome to participate within the space, but it is not meant to be a general play area or reserved as a study space.  The Sensory Room may also be checked out by library card holders on a walk-in basis for up to one hour per day.

What items are in the Sensory Room?

  • One table 
  • 4 chairs 
  • Wall labyrinth  
  • Tactile wall tiles 
  • Color changing light cube 
  • Other sensory items

Who can reserve?

  • Library card holders who live in the Library Tax District with fines of less than $20.
  • Adults age 18 or older.
  • Card holder must be present at time of use and assume responsibility for the room.

When can I reserve?

  • Must be submitted at least 72 hours in advance and no more than ten weeks prior to the meeting date.
  • Requests are reviewed within 48 hours, Monday through Friday, and are considered pending until approved via email by library staff.

How often can I reserve?

The Sensory Room may be reserved by an individual or group no more than a total of 12 times per year. This also includes other room reservations for a total of 12.

How do I reserve?

Read Sensory Room Policy 3.21 and answer the questions at the bottom of this page to be directed to an online calendar and reservation form.

Need to cancel a reservation?

View and cancel room reservations here:

Sensory Room Reservation

1) I am at least 18 years old and a resident of the Library tax district.(Required)
2) My library card is in good standing (fines less than $20).(Required)
3) I understand that I must be present at the meeting/event.(Required)
4) I agree to not solicit any business or collect contact information from attendees to market any product or services.(Required)