Volunteen Book Review

Teens in grades 6-12 can write book reviews for volunteer hours!

Reviewers will receive three volunteer hours for each submitted review that meets all of the listed requirements, with a limit of five reviews per year. Please allow four weeks for certificates acknowledging volunteer hours to be emailed out.


  • Reviewed titles must be age-appropriate to the reviewer, owned by the Clifton Park-Halfmoon Public Library, and published within the last 24 months.
  • Reviews should be between 175 and 350 words.

After you’ve read a book, fill out the form below. You should briefly describe the plot of the book, what you liked and disliked and why, and end with your overall assessment of the book. Provide a well-written evaluation to help your fellow teens make a decision about whether to read the book. No spoilers, please!

*Reviews written with AI are not accepted for volunteer credit.

VolunTEEN Book Review

  • MM slash DD slash YYYY