Individuals ages 15 and older with an account in good standing may use a Library computer or check out a laptop at the Ask Desk.
Individuals under the age of 15 must have signed parental consent, see Circulation for an Internet Permission Form.
Guest passes are available at the Ask Desk for those without Library cards.
Computers may be used for up to four hours/ per day, provided no one is waiting for a computer.
Computers are equipped with Microsoft Office 2016 (Excel, Word, Publisher and PowerPoint), Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Adobe Reader, and Photoshop Elements.
We do not filter Internet content or store any personal data.
All files are deleted when you log off or computers shut-down.
Print Cost (Cash Only):
$0.10/page, black & white
$0.50/page, color
Wireless printing (black & white only) from personal devices is available using Print From Anywhere.
Copy, Fax, Scan:
Copies cost (Cash Only) $0.15/page, black & white only.
Faxing is free. Faxing is only available to US/Canada/ Puerto Rico.
Faxes cannot be received at the Library.
Two scanners are available in the Copy Room. They allow for saving to a USB drive or email. The HP flatbed scanner will allow for printing and scanning of photos, slides, and negatives.
Wireless Internet access is available to the public. See Wireless Internet Use Policy 4.6 for complete details about privacy and security.